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Post Graduate Admission Requirements

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Welcome! Postgraduate Nigeria, is a blog dedicated to information, guides and opportunities for Postgraduate Students in Nigeria and abroad. This mission started during my time as a postgraduate student at the UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA. Here, you will learn, research and connect with people and opportunities that will push you forward in your Postgraduate course of study. Ask questions, as I am here to offer help as much as I can

Thursday, December 8, 2016


In 2016 the MMM Community united millions of people in Nigeria. Regardless of their age, social status, ethnicity or confession, millions of Nigerians help each other with MMM and change their lives for the better. And we will do our utmost to make the new year even better than the last one!
On the occasion of the upcoming holidays, we are introducing a bonus: +20% on all contributions made from December 7 to January 1. So, when you provide help, for example, in the amount of 1,000 naira, you will be granted 1,000 Mavro-NGN plus a bonus of 200 Mavro-NGN (so it will look like you provided help for 1,200 naira).
Holiday Bonus Terms:
  1. The bonus is frozen for a month after the PH-request is created.
  2. The bonus will be granted only for “new” money. It means, if you created a request to get help after December 7 and later you provided help for the amount you withdrew, you will not get the bonus.
  3. You should not create a request to get help until the bonus is unfrozen (this will be after one month of providing help). Otherwise, the bonus will disappear.
These conditions are necessary. Otherwise members will repeatedly withdraw the money and provide help for the same amount many times in order to get the bonus. So, if you want to receive the bonus, you should not create a GH-request from December 7 until the moment the bonus is unfrozen.
In the new year, MMM Nigeria will get even stronger. If you have friends who are not in MMM yet, invite them to join the Community! Make new friends, tell people the truth about MMM. Every Nigerian will join the MMM Community!
By our efforts, MMM Nigeria will overcome!
Together we change the world!
P.S. By the way, during the holidays the MMM Community will keep working as usual. Although there were rumors about supposed “pauses”, holidays and other work breaks, they are not true. Nothing like that will happen. We confirm that everything will work as usual.

Friday, December 2, 2016


Helping Revolution is a brand new Peer to Peer donation program that pay you 50% of your Provide help amount in just 7days. This program is very unique because the ideology follow that of MMM Nigeria that most Nigerians are already used to. MMM Nigeria has been experiencing a whole lot of media misrepresentation and misinterpretation. The whole idea is great but the external forces are just too keen at killing the system.

Helping Revolution just came on board and it’s damn attractive even beyond MMM. With Helping Revolution, 200% return on PH amount in 30days is achievable because 50% is given in 7days. Some will argue that the return is too much and it will kill the system early. Nope!

Helping Revolution has all measures in place to ensure the longevity of this program. One of such is that any amount you PH on your first PH will be automatically re-PH for you a day after you Get help. This means that you can not do hit and run or reduce your ph amount. So, this ensure that members continuously contribute to the community thereby making enough cash available in circulation to ensure the longevity of the program.

*50% Profit after 7 days*

*How It Works*
No Fake Payment Proof Anymore.
Since the payment is by BITCOIN, the system automatically confirm within 10minutes after you have made the payment. All you need to be sure of is that you paid the exact bitcoin amount you were asked to pay. Do not use dollars but bitcoin in making the payment. When buying bitcoin for the sake of making payment for your PH, ensure you buy extra dollars or units of bitcoin to cater for the transfer cost. For example, when i ph $500, i bought Bitcoin worth $507 dollars. I have some token left in my bitcoin wallet after the transaction.

World First Automated Helping Program.
The process of PH confirmation is automatic. Your GH is automatically processed after the 7days and your GH paid into your bitcoin wallet. Also, after your successful GH, the exact amount you PH for the first time is automatically re-PH for you by the system 24hours after your successful GH.

You don’t need to confirm any payment. The system do that automatically and pay into your bitcoin wallet direct after the 7th DAY. So No ISSUES.

150% After 7 Days (50% Profit + 100% Capital )
7 day reverse timer for GH will starts after your PH is confirmed.
Commitment Amount :- 10$ – 1000$ (Multiple of $10)

Direct Wallet Withdrawal (meaning you don’t need to click *Get Help*, Bitcoins will be paid directly to your wallet address)

Automated Re-commitment After GH Received.


REFERRAL ID –6015391 *(Needed for Registraction)*


1) Commitment Amount will be constant on One User Account. In order to Change the Commitment Amount participant has to create New Account.

2) Maximum 10 Accounts can be created using One E-Mail ID and Bitcoin Wallet

3) Re commitment Condition:-
User will receive new PH order of same Amount Every time, within 24hrs after receiving GH Amount.

4) No Deduction will be Applied from the Profit of Sponsor, if Downline does not Completes his/her PH Order.

5) Minimum withdrawal for Level Commission and Performance Bonus will be 10$ (Maximum Unlimited).

6) Participant will get time of 36hrs to Pay his PH.

7) *Always PH in the BTC value, just copy the value in BTC stated in the PH order and not the dollar value. This is due to fluctuation in Dollar/BTC rate. If you pay in Dollar the value might be less in few seconds later and the system will recognize this transaction as incomplete and leads to issues.*

REFERRAL ID -6015391 *(Needed for Registration)*

I have just joined helping revolution and i have committed my $500 into it. I am waiting for my GH in 6days’time. This is the best time to join as it is just few weeks old. Not up to a month. The earlier the better. Do not dull yourself, by my own calculation, will be in the system making my cool cash for the next 2 months. After then, i will re-access to ensure it is still strong and viable. Otherwise, i will cut off.

But at this moment, Helping revolution is the bomb

call me 08163536780

Thursday, December 1, 2016

How to Register for MMM Nigeria and what to do after

  1. Visit the MMM Nigeria official Website:
  2. Click the Registration link to register
  3. Enter your First name and Surname.
  4. Enter your email address.
  5. Enter your Mobile Phone Number (Example: +2348036661234
  6. Enter your password.
  7. Confirm password.
  8. Enter invite: as invite email address (Or of your referrer)
  9. Guider’s Email Address:
  10. Guider’s Phone Number: Leave blank, as system will automatically allocate this.
  11. Enter Picture Code.
  12. Check the “Warning” checkbox.
  13. Click REGISTER IN MMM.


Register to join MMM Nigeria

Things to do after Registration

1. Confirm both your email address and your phone number (this is very easy):

  • Log into your MMM Personal Office (PO).
  • Go to the “My Page” tab on the menu bar, click on My Page, and not far from the top you’ll see your email address and cell phone number.
  • Click on the “unconfirm/confirm” link next to your email address.
  • The system will send a confirmation code to your email account, go and get this code.
  • Enter code in the box provided next to your email address and click okay.
  • Once your email address changes to green, you have successfully confirmed your email adress.
  • For Cell phone, just click the “confirm” link next to your number and its confirmed.

2. Add your Banking Details or Bitcoin Address

1. Log into your MMM Personal Office (PO).

2. Go to the “Accounts” tab and click on it, you will find “ADD”, “EDIT” & “DELETE” options

3. Click on the ADD option to add your Banking or Bitcoin Account details

 4a. Add your Banking Details and click save
You may choose to withdraw using your Bank Account
(Bitcoin is NOT a must, so don’t worry about it).

4b. Add your Bitcoin Details and click save
You may choose to withdraw using your Bitcoin Account
(You may choose to add both Banking and Bitcoin Account, only one is required.).
3. Provide Help (PH). Do this immediately after you have added your banking details, so you start earning on day 1. (See Video below). 
  • Log into your MMM Personal Office (PO).
  • On your dashboard, you will find “Provide Help” and “Get Help)
  • Provide Help, also referred to as PH is to make a financial contribution to help someone in need of financial help. Get Help, also referred to as GH means request to be helped financial, otherwise it means making a withdrawal.
  • Click on the Provide Help button and check the button on the first screen that you see, this is confirming that you understand the MMM warning.
  • Choose the “other bank” option, if its not Bitcoin (Choose Bitcoin if you want to PH in Bitcoin) and click next.
  • Enter Amount and click select, you will see a line “Leftover Distribution” that will appear, with the amount you have selected nect to it.
  • Enter full amount again in the next space and click any blank area on that same screen, until “leftover Distribution” reads “0”.
  • Check the small box that allows you to get a registration bonus, this happens when you PH for the first time.
  • Click next
  • Enter security code and click next.
  • Click Ok to you are done.
  •  Go to the top menu again and click Mavros to see details of your PH.

Video 3a: How to Provide Help (PH)

Video 3b: How to Upload Proof of Payment

4. Login everyday, as you never know what kind of news or information you might find in your account.

Please drop a comment if this article was useful to you; 

MMM subscriber allegedly commits suicide in Nsukka

A final year student of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), who is also reported to be a participant of the Mavrodi Mondial Movement investment scheme (MMM), has committed suicide.

According to an online medium, Premium Times, the student, identified as Tobechukwu Okeke, was found on Sunday morning, dangling from a rope in his room at Odenigwe, a community in Nsukka, Enugu State.
The deceased was said to have left a note behind where he apologised to his family, according to accounts by a neighbour. The contents of the note read: “Mother, father, brother, I’m sorry. Ify, may your children never suffer. Uncle Mathias, you gave me all. I am sorry. Death calls. Linguistic department, I am sorry. Okeke Tobechukwu S. 2012/185649,” the neighbour, who did not want to be named, quoted.
Though the cause of Okeke’s death is yet to be ascertained, some of his neighbours suggested that he was in debt, some said he was tired of schooling, others attributed his suicide to the loss of money in a network business he invested into.
The deceased’s last Facebook posts showed he had been involved in the controversial MMM scheme, as he used his page to advertise the scheme. His last post, in September, read: “MMM is enriching lives of millions of Nigerians everyday. If you care to join or you have any questions, please send me a message or comment below.”
One of the deceased’s colleagues, who also did not want to be named, said he was given an electrical wiring job to do at the department of Linguistics in the university, because of his expertise in electrical works. “I saw him this (Sunday) morning, he seemed to have a problem which he needed money to solve,” the colleague added.
The university authorities have also confirmed the incident, but said the family had not officially informed the institution. Uju Umo, the university’s Dean of Student Affairs said: “I travelled for a burial last weekend and yesterday I got a text message saying a student had committed suicide.
“It happened at Odenigwe, one of the host communities outside the school and I was told he left a suicide note apologising to his fellow gamblers.”
Similarly, Chukwu Emmanuel, the university’s student union president, also confirmed the incident, and said the matter was being investigated. “There’s no concrete details for now,” he added.
People close to the deceased described him as a comedian, who always used jokes to awake sleeping students during night classes. “He used to go around to classes at night to crack jokes and encourage students to forget their worries.”

Your Job As A Licensed Member Of NairaLake

Your Job As A Licensed Member Of NairaLake

Updated – 1/12/2016
NairaLake is a simple online business platform exclusively designed to help every Nigerian start making money on the internet.
At GoldenLink Web Solutions, we are the pioneers when it comes to providing Nigerians with effective online business solutions. We carried out a very deep internet research/analysis and discovered that a lot of Nigerians are actually searching the internet looking for legitimate money making opportunities but majority of them never get what they want owing to different form of barriers, limitations and restrictions currently being faced by many when it comes to making money online in/from Nigeria.
NairaLake was built to ease the stress of every Nigerian currently searching for ways to start making money on the internet. NairaLake is a general online money making platform exclusively designed for Nigerians. NairaLake was built with the main goal of giving every Licensed/Active Member a real opportunity to start working and getting paid without restrictions.
How NairaLake Works
Registration for a NairaLake account is free and open to every Nigerian, but to start making money with your account you will have to Activate it. Activation is a one-time fee and you can check the current amount of Activation on this page or follow this steps 
When your NairaLake account becomes Active you will receive a link (example is You will also be given the necessary templates and instructions on how to start getting people to visit the website through your link. The way you will be making money is simple, whenever someone registers and activates his/her account through your link you will be paid.
We have laid down templates that every user (new/existing) can follow and start getting positive results almost instantly and you can access these whenever you login to your Active account. When you follow our templates and instructions you will be able to start performing your tasks through Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or any place on the internet. You can perform your task at your convenience – anytime, day or night. You only need an internet enabled mobile device or PC to do this and it doesn’t take much time (a matter of 30mins – 2hrs) but the more time you put in, the higher result you’ll also get.
When you perform your task, other people will be able to click on your link and arrive at the main NairaLake website – majority will register for a free account. When a person registers for a free account that person is recorded as your Pending referral, he/she will not be able to start making money until they Activate their account. You can view all your stats including the usernames of your referrals from your account (with this you will be able to track those that have Activated their account) You earn ₦3,000 (75%) instantly when any of your Pending referrals activate their account and the remaining ₦1,000 (25%) will be credited back to the user as their Registration Bonus. All your earnings will be automatically forwarded to the bank account on your profile within 48 hours or on our general payout days which is Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
When you become a licensed member of NairaLake you will get a Member Panel that is equipped with real-time and accurate reporting tools.
At NairaLake, we don’t place any form of limitations/restrictions on our active members, and we don’t charge any other fee after Activation.
NairaLake is the best option when it comes to making money online in Nigeria – This is the only platform that can be trusted on the internet.

Are you a Nigerian? Click Here To Become A Member Of NairaLake Today And Start Making Money Directly To Your Bank Account