Monday, November 28, 2016

How to make money from blogging

Monetize your blog or website with advertising networks and earn real profit from your blog.

Hi Visitor, You came to this page to learn my third suggestion — How to make money blogging. Blogging is a website where you share your experience and ideas through written articles. For an example, take a look at my blog and I use to blog for Earn money online without investment and is all about it. Here I shared my own experience in earning money online from the computer. I am having most recent collection of articles updated in my blog regularly.

I am sure this blog might be useful to you but you wonder if I say this blog makes some money apart from other online jobs I use to work. So, it seems you are curious to know what and How this is possible?

We can make some money from our blog in many ways such as Promoting Affiliate products, selling advertising spaces, selling E-Books and other stuff related to electronic products, CDs etc. But those methods will work only if we have our own website and also a decent number of visitors visiting our blog regularly.

In this article I have explained how to make money blogging? and this article has three sections includes five steps to create a blog and implying Google Adsense or Adhitz to generate revenue from your blog. So spend your valuable time to get through the ideas shared in this article and start making money online today.

How to make money blogging — 5 STEPS:

Here's an overview of initial five starting steps to follow if you want to make money blogging...
1.) Deciding your Blog theme or Purpose of blogging
2.) Generating valuable content and useful information's
3.) Setting up of blogging platform
4.) Expressing your contents and building your blog
5.) Marketing your blog and monetizing..

Decide your theme or purpose of blogging

If you decided to go for online jobs from home, then making money through blogging is the best way you need to opt for. Choose for the best topic that has a broad exposure and also, that wasn't already covered by other established bloggers. In such cases, you will be more successful in attracting an audience, marketing itself, and making money through a variety of methods as described above (in ways of blog/website monetization). Choosing a topic for your blog, is a little tough task, but most successful blogs are those who does for hobby, fun, entertainment, showing their career or some specific and miscellaneous knowledge.

Write valuable content & information's

Once you decided a suitable niche/theme for your blog, its time to write down the articles based on the topic you were chosen. Choose a specific niche, and not a broad topic. It is always better to write for sub-topic related articles rather than broad topic, which will attract more visitors. Write an article about "How to make money from affiliate marketing focusing only Amazon and flip-kart?" and not on general topic "How to make money from affiliate marketing?".
Write down your own experience and thoughts of action, with more informative posts and articles on the topic chosen. If you target to make money, then you need visitors to your blog/website. If you need visitors, you need worthwhile contents to visit and read. Tough it takes time, howsoever you need to work around this and there is no shortcuts.

Set your blogging platform

So, you decided a niche for your blog/website and had wrote some articles based on the topic or niche you chosen. Now its time to setting up of your blog. The first thing that comes to your mind when setting up a blog is getting a good domain name and reliable web hosting solutions. Many peoples opt to create a free blog using WordPress or Google Blogger. Yet this is a good option to start with, but keep in mind, they have limitations on how you can make money using them and they wont give continuous long term free service. They may discontinue your blog at any time. Hence, my best advice is to go for Paid hosting services such as Host gator, Go daddy, blue host etc..

        Choose an easy to remember, short, keyword, top level domains for your website/blog. Going for own paid hosting offers greater customization and control of your blog/website, and monetizing your blog.

Express your contents & build your blog

So, all is ready for your kick start in your blogging. Choose a topic, wrote articles, blog setup done, Now its time to express those contents in your blog/website. Keep in mind that, blog/website is the face where you will be shown in this world. Hence, express your experience and thoughts in such a manner that it will be more informative and niche related contents, results in attracting visitors to your blog/website, thereby providing chance to monetize in such a way it will make money through the rest of the blog life. Write original contentsinstead of copying from others because readers will be interested in learn new things.
Update frequently in your blog/website as this will bring more visitors to your blog.

Market your blog & monetize

Keywords are the important words that relate your topic of your blog. Choose relevant keywords for all your articles which will increase your blog visibility in Search engines and attract more readers. Use Google Keyword Research Tool to get a guide to choose your keywords wisely for your articles. Include keywords in meta tags, headings, inline paragraphs, keep in mind, never over use the keyword, (Results in keyword stuffing, and probably degrading your blog).
Use Social Media Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and classified sites such as Craigslist and Forum sites to show that you are available. People won’t naturally find you if you don’t put yourself out there and so, use such resources effectively and genuinely.


Monetizing your blog for money

WAY-1: Earn from Google Ad Sense

Having your own domain, interested in earning from your website while you sleep-- Monetize your site by focusing on niche related content. Yes, then GOOGLE AD SENSE is the nice way to earn money from your website. Blogging Tips – Best Worked Out Examples!!! --Go Here-- earns most of its revenue by allowing other website or advertisers to advertise their products or promotional ads in their search pages. In turn,google gets pay for the work they done. Now, google allows their users can share some percentage of these earnings from ad words by displaying those ads or text/images on your webpages.
        This online jobs is more advantage and can surely help you to earn a handsome income.
Please remember.

How Ad sense works?

If you have your own domain and a web-space you can able to display Google ads on your content pages either as a cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-1000-impressions (CPM) ads, while ad-sense for search results pages show exclusively CPC ads. When a visitor lands on your page and click an ad in your page, you will get a certain amount paid[from $0.001 to $1 and more] by google for the work you done for them.

How much you earn?

The commission you earn from google ad-sense depends on your site traffic and number of unique clicks through your pages. It may be vary from 2 cents to about $10 per click. One cannot estimate the particulars of their earnings from their web pages and it is purely depends on your site traffic and your web page content.
         One way to earn more from google ad-sense is to create a competitive keywords which helps you to drive more traffic to your site.

The earnings you got mostly depends on your targeted traffic you receive to your site, placement of your ads and of course the amount per click you receive.
        CONTENT SPEAKS IN YOUR WEBPAGE. The quality of your content is the most important thing which provides impact on your revenue. If your site serves rich contents and competing keywords which helps google crawlers easily find and suit your concept surely you can have more interested users to visit your site often and in turn increase your Ad-sense earning. BLOG MONETIZATION – Short Guide with ultimate tips --Go Here--

How to start your earning?

Once you created your website, then go to sign up and start showing ads on your webpages. There's no cost to join and getting started is quick and easy.
     After u became a member of Google Ad-sense, log in and complete your website profile. Then, create your ad code and implement in your pages and sit back and see your earnings. You can view your earnings at any time by logging in to your account. Also you can able to see the total number of page and ad unit impressions, ad clicks, click through rate, effective CPM, and your total earnings.
11Successful tips for blogging–beginners blogging guide --Go Here--

How to create a site for Ad-sense?

Before creating your site for google Ad-sense you must get relevant topic to meet the most searching topic of the era. You must be well knowledge on the topic you deal with it.
          Monetizing blog is everything in all about money making that puts your effort including producing quality contents and attracting readers in turn earning from those high potential traffic into money making platform.
          For successful blogging, you need a strong base on your niche you choose to blog, and must know updated marketing techniques and more-over you need to invest at the beginning.
        Although, don't think the more pages in your site increases your Ad-sense revenue, because more content with lesser pages drive more traffic than the less content with many pages.
Two ways to create your site:
1.) Create your own site --Go Here--    2.) Search for Site Builder

How to join Ad-sense?

»Simple, when you finished building your site with rich 20-30Page content then go to and apply.
        »Wait for a day or two, once you receive your confirmation mail from them and then login to your account.
        »Select relevant ads,and get HTML codes.
        »Paste the codes in your site page and sit over simply. Sit back and see your earning raises.
        »You can have option to display text ads or image ads or banner ads.


ADHITZ is one of the best alternative for google adsense. They work similar like adsense and they offer PPC(PayPerClick) as well as CPM(CostPerImpression). Adhitz is an another great ad network as they allows wide variety of Text Link and Banner Ads to display in our website which pays almost from $0.08 to $0.20 for specific geotargeted traffic. One of the best part in them are they pay almost for all clicks that our websites receives instead certain ad networks pay only for clicks generated from specific countries.

Why AdHitz Ads?

Since Google Adsense payout is more as high as $100, many small website owners suffers due to this large potential. But, ADHITZ payout is comparably smaller as $25 through paypal (or) cheque and it is mostly welcomed by many small website owners.
ADHITZ SITE SPECIFIC ADS:    You can also sell advertisement space from your website in Adhitz network so that advertisers can bid for your site and provides ways to earn even more than $100 to $1000 everymonth.
Grow your business with us... --Click Here & grow your business at $0.01 per 1000visitors--

How much you can earn?

The commission you earn from adhitz depends on your site traffic and number of unique clicks through your pages. It may be vary from 2 cents to about $10 per click depends on the advertising agency whom they displaying ads on your pages.
We, --ONLINEHOMEINCOME WEBSOLUTIONS-- provides services of creating and monetizing websites for very affordable and competitive prices. Start a website with us and earn a residual income of more than $10-$50 everyday within 7days. More Info --Go Here--

How to start your earning?

»Create a website with related contents and sign in for a "Publisher Account" in Ad hitz Account.
        »After logging into the account, Register your website. Then choose your preferred Ad's and get your HTML CODE.
        »Copy and paste the code's in your preferred webpage and that's it.
        »Sit back and watch your income grows.
        »Meanwhile, update your site content frequently and do SEO's to increase traffic for your site.



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